Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil

In the south of Spain, at the foot of the impressive Sierra Nevada, our 287 olive trees are sunbathing on the heights of the village of Velez de Benaudalla nestled on the banks of the Guadalfeo. Clinging to the clay-limestone terraces, pollinated by the gentle Andalusian Levante wind, our trees offer a playground for chameleons and wild goats. This is the ideal environment for our olives of the Picual variety to develop their exceptional flavours.

Hand picked olives

Following the local tradition, we harvest the olives by hand, using a small olive comb, and the most distant fruits are taken from the tree with the help of long sticks made of chestnut wood.

The olives are collected in large nets and carefully separated from the branches and leaves. We never pick-up any fruit that has fallen prematurely to the ground. Moreover, the harvest always takes place in dry and sunny weather. The olives are stored in ventilated boxes for a few hours before being transported to the mill in the neighbouring village.

In this way we ensure that only the highest quality olives are selected. The harvest takes place at the beginning of November, when the green olives turn purple. At this time, the fruits are fully saturated with oil and already contain all the elements that make a tasty and nutritious oil.

Cold pressing at 22°C and mechanical processes

In the loaded van, a fragrance of red fruits fills the driver's cabin. A 20-minute drive brings us to the village of Orgiva, where an organic olive mill was established about 30 years ago, founded by enthusiasts & connoisseurs, and is still run with love.

Our multicolored olives are carefully inspected and rinsed at the mill. They will then be crushed and mixed for more than an hour to obtain a "pure fruit juice". Olive oil is indeed one of the few, if not the only, edible oil that is not obtained by refining and adding chemical substances. Rather, it is only achieved by mechanical processes. This operation takes place at a temperature of 22°C, well below the threshold of 27°C which guarantees "cold pressing". In this way, we preserve all the vitamins and elements that define the characteristic taste and aroma of the Picual variety.

The olive paste is then decanted, sieved and centrifuged. The pomace – that is to say, the pulp –, the skin and the fragments of pits will be used as fertilizer for the olive trees and as fuel to power the mill. Nothing is lost, everything is recycled.

The hard work after a full year is finally paying off. Our liquid gold is now ready. We are already savoring the notes of hazelnut and freshly cut grass, with a hint of acidity and spiciness. Cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil at 22°C can now be enjoyed with a small piece of bread.


Average values for 100 g


3696 Kj / 899 Kcal


100 g

of which: Saturated fatty acids

16 g

Monounsaturated fatty acids

79.4 g

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

4.2 g


0 g

of which Sugars

0 g

Dietary fiber

0 g


0 g


0 g

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)*

17.2 mg

A super food with many positive properties

Substituting saturated with unsaturated fats in the diet contributes to maintaining normal blood cholesterol levels. Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil 22°'s high content of monounsaturated fatty acids compared to polyunsaturated ones makes it more stable during cooking.

Vitamin E contributes to protecting cells from oxidative stress. We guarantee at least 17,2mg of vitamin E in 100g of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil 22°, which is above the recommended daily intake.

Olive oil polyphenols contribute to protecting blood lipids from oxidative stress. The bitter, spicy flavor of our  Extra Virgin Olive Oil 22°comes from the presence of special antioxidants called “olive oil polyphenols”.

An environmentally friendly olive cultivation

By converting to organic cultivation and in accordance with the principles of permaculture, we take care of the olive grove by maintaining the balance between fauna, flora and olive cultivation.

The local fauna is our best ally

All year round the wild boars plow the ground at the foot of the olive trees in search of food while the ibexes graze on the climbing plants and the lowest branches. Both produce additional fertilizer dispersed naturally throughout the olive grove. With the aerated soil, the water penetrates more easily into the clay-limestone soil.

The numerous birds limit the population of parasitic insects. In winter, song thrushes, among others, enjoy the mild temperatures in Andalusia before migrating east. In spring, the rufous-tailed scrub robin build their nests in the olives trees.

We prune the trees at the beginning of winter after the harvest to protect them naturally from outside influences and so that in spring the wind can roar between the branches and carry the pollen from one tree to another.

A naturally rich soil

We let the plants such as barley, alfalfa and clover, growing under the olive trees until the end of Spring. That "green cover" keeps the soil nice and moist and slows soil erosion. Cut, these plant parts are then added to compost, pruned olive tree branches and local manure from neighboring goats. This purely natural fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus, cellulose and potassium - a complete menu for our olive trees.

Contact us

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to tell you more about this agricultural and gastronomic adventure.

Can't wait to taste our 22° extra virgin olive oil? Would you like to offer it to a friend or colleague? Tell us how much you would like.

Write to us on whatsapp +34624245883 or by email huiledolive22degres@gmail.com

If you wish to observe the chameleons in our olive trees or even participate in the harvest, our 3 gites located 20 minutes away are available for rent, click here.

See you soon!